Empower Your AI with
Best Data

Empower Your AI with Best Data

We empower more than 900 AI enterprises and academic institutes on R&D with constantly offering high quality OTS datasets and customized services, including Generative AI, Ethical AI and Machine Learning, that enable clients’ AI models to stay ahead in the market.

We empower more than 900 AI enterprises with our high-quality off-the-shelf datasets, and magnificent data collection & labeling services. There are more for you to find out!

Trusted by industry leaders


Free dialogue in Odia Speech Corpus
【Product Type】Odia language from India, free conversation, mobile 16K 【Corpus Type】 Home, health, travel, education, work, gourmet food, marriage, movies, music, socializing, celebrities, weather, sports, and other common topics in daily life Natural context, applicable to the entire industry 【Pronouncer Information】 Gender: Male 44%, Female 56% Age: Pronouncers mainly cover the age range of 16-45 Accent: Pronouncers are from Odisha state.
High-Definition Dance Video Corpus
Product Features: This dataset has collected 100,000 dance videos, each averaging 30 seconds in length, at 4K resolution, including adults and teenagers with a foundation in dance, with a balanced gender ratio. It includes both solo and group dances, with high richness in videos from various angles such as front, side, back, and turning. Dance types include folk dance, jazz, street dance, and more. Application Fields: This dataset can be applied to virtual humans, VR, dance education, video production, and other fields, promoting the application and development of multimodal technology in the corresponding areas.
DMS Diverse Drivers Corpus
This product library is a cabin DMS (Driver Monitoring System) for foreign adult data collection, solely capturing IR (Infrared) videos and images. The DMS captured 700 foreign adults, with 20% Blacks and 80% Whites. The shooting mode is individual, with 25 fixed cameras arranged inside the cabin for synchronized recording, and an additional camera for supporting shots. Props include hats (20%), regular glasses (25%), sunglasses (25%), masks (20%), with their configurations randomly overlapping. The vehicle models are 5-seater passenger cars (consisting of smart, BYD Dolphin, and BYD Song, totaling three vehicles), and the vehicles were stationary during the shooting. The lighting conditions of capturing include frontal lighting, back lighting, side lighting, interior car lighting, streetlights, shade under trees, oncoming headlights, cloudy days, and rainy days. The capturing content consists of both action and gaze, with videos for action capture and images for gaze capture, along with calibration data. The video action capture scenarios are divided into 18 basic scenes and 8 additional scenes, totaling 26 categories. All data include the first 18 basic actions, and some data also include the additional 8 scenes. During the action scene capture, the collectors will simultaneously collect head movements, which are divided into two actions. The collectors randomly perform one of the two actions, with each action accounting for 50% overall. The DMS product library captured approximately 730,000 video segments, with each segment lasting around 30 seconds (700 * 18 * 25 * [lighting conditions]). It also captured approximately 204,554,000 gaze and action images (700 * (11 * 25 * 19 + 19 * 26 * 19) * [lighting conditions]), 700,000 original calibration images (700 * 40 * 25), and another 700,000 calibration output images (700 * 40 * 25), which are stored in the images, detection, and reprojection folders respectively.
Free Dialogue in Saudi Arabia Corpus
This dataset covers multiple scenarios such as banking, healthcare, insurance, sales, telecom, travel. The speakers are gender evenly, and each set of the audio is approximately 0.5 hour.
Singapore English Speech Recognition Corpus
This dataset is Singaporean English Dialogue, applicable for dual channel for mobile and online calls with sentence segmentation data. It covers Telemarketing Customer Service, Financial Consumption, Common Daily Life Language, Social Hotspots, Travel Shopping, Sports Entertainment, Education Learning, Technology Digital Games, where Telemarketing Customer Service and Financial Consumption account for no less than 30%.
Multilingual Intelligent Speech Dataset
This dataset covers over 30 scenarios including sports, entertainment, health, shopping, pet, education, food, travel, and so on.
Free dialogue in Odia Speech Corpus
【Product Type】Odia language from India, free conversation, mobile 16K 【Corpus Type】 Home, health, travel, education, work, gourmet food, marriage, movies, music, socializing, celebrities, weather, sports, and other common topics in daily life Natural context, applicable to the entire industry 【Pronouncer Information】 Gender: Male 44%, Female 56% Age: Pronouncers mainly cover the age range of 16-45 Accent: Pronouncers are from Odisha state.
High-Definition Dance Video Corpus
Product Features: This dataset has collected 100,000 dance videos, each averaging 30 seconds in length, at 4K resolution, including adults and teenagers with a foundation in dance, with a balanced gender ratio. It includes both solo and group dances, with high richness in videos from various angles such as front, side, back, and turning. Dance types include folk dance, jazz, street dance, and more. Application Fields: This dataset can be applied to virtual humans, VR, dance education, video production, and other fields, promoting the application and development of multimodal technology in the corresponding areas.
DMS Diverse Drivers Corpus
This product library is a cabin DMS (Driver Monitoring System) for foreign adult data collection, solely capturing IR (Infrared) videos and images. The DMS captured 700 foreign adults, with 20% Blacks and 80% Whites. The shooting mode is individual, with 25 fixed cameras arranged inside the cabin for synchronized recording, and an additional camera for supporting shots. Props include hats (20%), regular glasses (25%), sunglasses (25%), masks (20%), with their configurations randomly overlapping. The vehicle models are 5-seater passenger cars (consisting of smart, BYD Dolphin, and BYD Song, totaling three vehicles), and the vehicles were stationary during the shooting. The lighting conditions of capturing include frontal lighting, back lighting, side lighting, interior car lighting, streetlights, shade under trees, oncoming headlights, cloudy days, and rainy days. The capturing content consists of both action and gaze, with videos for action capture and images for gaze capture, along with calibration data. The video action capture scenarios are divided into 18 basic scenes and 8 additional scenes, totaling 26 categories. All data include the first 18 basic actions, and some data also include the additional 8 scenes. During the action scene capture, the collectors will simultaneously collect head movements, which are divided into two actions. The collectors randomly perform one of the two actions, with each action accounting for 50% overall. The DMS product library captured approximately 730,000 video segments, with each segment lasting around 30 seconds (700 * 18 * 25 * [lighting conditions]). It also captured approximately 204,554,000 gaze and action images (700 * (11 * 25 * 19 + 19 * 26 * 19) * [lighting conditions]), 700,000 original calibration images (700 * 40 * 25), and another 700,000 calibration output images (700 * 40 * 25), which are stored in the images, detection, and reprojection folders respectively.
Free Dialogue in Saudi Arabia Corpus
This dataset covers multiple scenarios such as banking, healthcare, insurance, sales, telecom, travel. The speakers are gender evenly, and each set of the audio is approximately 0.5 hour.
Singapore English Speech Recognition Corpus
This dataset is Singaporean English Dialogue, applicable for dual channel for mobile and online calls with sentence segmentation data. It covers Telemarketing Customer Service, Financial Consumption, Common Daily Life Language, Social Hotspots, Travel Shopping, Sports Entertainment, Education Learning, Technology Digital Games, where Telemarketing Customer Service and Financial Consumption account for no less than 30%.
Multilingual Intelligent Speech Dataset
This dataset covers over 30 scenarios including sports, entertainment, health, shopping, pet, education, food, travel, and so on.

Data Collection

We provide support for data collection in all languages and dialects, multi-scene images and video, and text corpus in multiple industries worldwide.

Data Labeling

We empower businesses with high-quality test and labeled data, accelerating AI R&D, deployment, and overall model performance. Our self-made platform and global network ensure data quality and support enterprises in building core AI competitiveness.

Model Training and Evaluation

Leveraging our massive collection of proprietary datasets encompassing speech, text, images, videos, and multimodal data, we conduct algorithm research and innovation using state-of-the-art algorithm frameworks.

DOTS Platform

Our platform offers flexible project management, advanced algorithms, and support for over 200 annotation tasks, optimizing autonomous driving and other applications. With 400+ models, multilingual capabilities, and scalable deployment options, it caters to diverse needs across industries.

Industrial solutions

Smart Healthcare
Smart Finance
Smart Home
Autonomous Driving

Let's shape your
AI future together

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Data Quality and Diversity
Dataocean AI provide 1500 high-quality and diverse off the shelf datasets, which are fundamental for the success of machine learning and artificial intelligence projects. Emphasizing the meticulous processes of data acquisition, processing, and annotation, we employs to ensure data accuracy and variety, alongside the breadth and depth of its data coverage, can underline its commitment to excellence in this area.
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Advanced Technologies and Platform
The comprehensive data platforms designed for AI applications, including a data engine for collecting, curating, and annotating data, and training and evaluating models. Combining AI-based techniques with human-in-the-loop, Dataocean AI delivers labeled data with unprecedented quality, scalability, and efficiency. This approach not only ensures the development of high-performing models but also facilitates sustainable and successful AI programs tailored to specific business needs .
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Industry Expertise and Experience
With almost 20 years professional AI data project experience, we enable a deep understanding of specific customer‘s needs and challenges. This allows the company to provide tailored solutions to clients, helping them tackle complex issues and achieve their business objectives effectively.
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Strong Security and Compliance
We place a high priority on data security and privacy, adhering to stringent security protocols and compliance standards while handling sensitive information. This commitment provides clients with the confidence that their data is protected throughout the processing stages.
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Customer Success and Support
Dedicated to client success, we offer comprehensive support and services from the initial planning stages of a project to its final implementation and beyond. Highlighting how the company fosters long-term relationships through expert consultations, regular progress updates, and continuous technical support can showcase its commitment to customer satisfaction.
Icon off the shelf
Data Quality and Diversity
Dataocean AI provide 1500 high-quality and diverse off the shelf datasets, which are fundamental for the success of machine learning and artificial intelligence projects. Emphasizing the meticulous processes of data acquisition, processing, and annotation, we employs to ensure data accuracy and variety, alongside the breadth and depth of its data coverage, can underline its commitment to excellence in this area.
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Advanced Technologies and Platform
The comprehensive data platforms designed for AI applications, including a data engine for collecting, curating, and annotating data, and training and evaluating models. Combining AI-based techniques with human-in-the-loop, Dataocean AI delivers labeled data with unprecedented quality, scalability, and efficiency. This approach not only ensures the development of high-performing models but also facilitates sustainable and successful AI programs tailored to specific business needs .
icon global
Industry Expertise and Experience
With almost 20 years professional AI data project experience, we enable a deep understanding of specific customer‘s needs and challenges. This allows the company to provide tailored solutions to clients, helping them tackle complex issues and achieve their business objectives effectively.
icon world
Strong Security and Compliance
We place a high priority on data security and privacy, adhering to stringent security protocols and compliance standards while handling sensitive information. This commitment provides clients with the confidence that their data is protected throughout the processing stages.
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Customer Success and Support
Dedicated to client success, we offer comprehensive support and services from the initial planning stages of a project to its final implementation and beyond. Highlighting how the company fosters long-term relationships through expert consultations, regular progress updates, and continuous technical support can showcase its commitment to customer satisfaction.


Dataocean AI New Datasets - July
Open Datasets: GigaSpeech 2 - 30,000 Hours of Southeast Asian Multilingual Speech Recognition Open Source Dataset Released
The era of "Movie-Her" has arrived:Unlocking the Emotional Data Behind GPT-4o
Dataocean AI New Datasets - July
Open Datasets: GigaSpeech 2 - 30,000 Hours of Southeast Asian Multilingual Speech Recognition Open Source Dataset Released
The era of "Movie-Her" has arrived:Unlocking the Emotional Data Behind GPT-4o

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