Vietnamese Male Speech Synthesis Corpus (Mature and Stable Film Dubbing)

This dataset was recorded by a 30-year-old male speaker with authentic pronunciation and a mature, steady vocal quality in a professional recording studio. The recorded texts cover all phonemes, and the annotators have a professional linguistic background, ensuring the data meets the research and development needs for voice synthesis.
7.35 hours
Sample rate & bit depth
48 kHz, 24bit
Recording Environment
Professional recording studio
Film and television scripts.
Labeling Process
Text, audio, quality inspection, proofreading
Accuracy Rate
The accuracy rate of phonetic labeling is 99.5%.
Im lặng là cách tốt nhất để cho ai đó biết họ đã làm bạn bị tổn thương.
Ngươi còn biết chế thuốc sao
Thôi, chú không cần nói nữa. Anh chưa phải tàn phế mà không làm gì được.
Xin lỗi, tôi đã để anh phải chịu oan ức rồi!

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