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Chinese-English Mixed Speech Recognition Corpus (Desktop)
【Product Features】 High sampling rate (44.1/48K), in-vehicle corpus, collected in a quiet indoor environment, multiple scenarios (vehicle control, music, general, maps, casual conversation, English interaction, audiobooks, etc.) Applicable to in-car and other common voice recognition scenarios.
Chinese-German-US English-Korea parallel speech Corpus (Desktop)
This dataset was recorded in a recording studio environment, with a total of 32 speakers participating, including 16 males and 16 females. All speakers involved in the recording were professionally selected to ensure standard pronunciation and clear articulation. The recorded text covers daily conversations.
Chinese-Russian Parallel Speech Recognition Corpus (Mobile)
This dataset was recorded in a quiet office environment, with the participation of 403 speakers, including 169 males and 234 females. All speakers involved in the recording were professionally selected to ensure standardized pronunciation and clear enunciation. The recorded texts cover military news and national defense white papers.
Colombian American English Speech Recognition Corpus (Desktop+Mobile)
This dataset was recorded in a quiet office/home environment, with a total of 100 speakers participating, including 57 males and 43 females. All speakers who took part in the recording were professionally screened to ensure standardized pronunciation and clear enunciation. The recorded texts cover information on news and everyday conversations, among other topics.
Colombian Spanish Conversational Speech Recognition Corpus (Mobile)
This dataset was recorded in a quiet office/home environment, with a total of 100 speakers participating, including 54 males and 46 females. All speakers involved in the recording were professionally selected to ensure standardized pronunciation and clear enunciation. The recording texts cover information on family, work, food, and other topics.
Colombian Spanish Speech Recognition Corpus – Conversations (Mobile)
Computer + Mobile Whistling Noise Corpus (Mobile)
This dataset recorded includes howling sounds emitted from various devices such as computers and mobile phones.
Croatian Speech Recognition Corpus (Mobile)
This dataset was recorded in a quiet office environment, with the participation of 201 speakers, including 100 males and 101 females. All speakers involved in the recording process were professionally screened to ensure standard pronunciation and clear enunciation. The recorded texts cover a range of topics including news and everyday conversations.
Czech Conversational Speech Recognition Corpus (Mobile)
This dataset was recorded in a quiet office/home environment, with the participation of 508 speakers, including 228 males and 280 females. All speakers involved in the recording process were professionally screened to ensure standard pronunciation and clear articulation. The recorded text materials span a range of information, including topics related to computers, education, family, and services.

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