Congratulations to all the winning teams of CNVSRC 2023!

December 9, 2023

On December 9, the NCMMSC-CNVSRC 2023 Workshop was held in Suzhou, where the final results of CNVSRC 2023 were announced, congratulations to all the winning teams!

This challenge is initiated by the organization committee of NCMMSC 2023, and co-sponsored by Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, DataOceanAI, and SpeechHome.

More than 85 teams from all over the world participated. After nearly three months of competition, teams from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Inner Mongolia University, General User Agent, CZUR, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and RoyalFlush, have achieved good results.

Detailed results and report videos will be posted on the official website: CN-Celeb (

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