Grain Image Corpus

4.23 GB
25701 pics

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High-Definition Dance Video Corpus
Product Features: This dataset has collected 100,000 dance videos, each averaging 30 seconds in length, at 4K resolution, including adults and teenagers with a foundation in dance, with a balanced gender ratio. It includes both solo and group dances, with high richness in videos from various angles such as front, side, back, and turning. Dance types include folk dance, jazz, street dance, and more. Application Fields: This dataset can be applied to virtual humans, VR, dance education, video production, and other fields, promoting the application and development of multimodal technology in the corresponding areas.
Telephoto Landscape Corpus
【Product Features】 High-quality images of architecture and plants, with no blurring within the full size of the image, ensuring that both the foreground and background show clear textures even when enlarged; no more than 5 images of the same subject from different angles to ensure diversity in the content captured. 【Image Specifications】 Resolution above 4k (shoot in the highest quality mode with the camera); focal length within the range of 185mm to 235mm.
Object Segmentation
Indoor Tracking Video Corpus

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